- 2025
- Observation of pattern stabilization in a driven superfluid
Nikolas Liebster, Marius Sparn, Elinor Kath, Jelte Duchene, Keisuke Fujii, Sarah L. Görlitz, Tilman Enss, Helmut Strobel and Markus K. Oberthaler, 2025, Physical Review X PDF-File - 2024
- Bogoliubov phonons in a Bose-Einstein condensate from the one-loop perturbative renormalization group
Niklas Rasch, Aleksandr N. Mikheev, Thomas Gasenzer, 2024, SciPost Phys. Core (7) 066 - Universal dynamics of rogue waves in a quenched spinor Bose condensate
Ido Siovitz, Stefan Lannig, Yannick Deller, Helmut Strobel, Markus K. Oberthaler, Thomas Gasenzer, 2024 PDF-File - Data-driven discovery of statistically relevant information in quantum simulators
R. Verdel, V. Vitale, R. K. Panda, E. D. Donkor, A. Rodriguez, S. Lannig, Y. Deller, H. Strobel, M. K. Oberthaler, M. Dalmonte, 2024, Physical Review B (109) 075152 PDF-File - Stable-fixed-point description of square-pattern formation in driven two-dimensional Bose-Einstein condensates
Keisuke Fujii, Sarah L. Görlitz, Nikolas Liebster, Marius Sparn, Elinor Kath, Helmut Strobel, Markus K. Oberthaler, and Tilman Enss, 2024, Physical Review A (109) L051301 PDF-File - Bose-Einstein condensate experiment as a nonlinear block of a machine learning pipeline
Maurus Hans, Elinor Kath, Marius Sparn, Nikolas Liebster, Helmut Strobel, Markus K. Oberthaler, Felix Draxler, and Christoph Schnörr, 2024, Phys. Rev. Research (6) 013122 PDF-File - 2023
- Universal Dynamics at the Lowest Temperatures
Ido Siovitz, Philipp Heinen, Niklas Rasch, Stefan Lannig, Yannick Deller, Helmut Strobel, Markus Oberthaler, Thomas Gasenzer, 2023, Proc. 8th bwHPC Sympos. (51) - Observation of two non-thermal fixed points for the same microscopic symmetry
Stefan Lannig, Maximilian Prüfer, Yannick Deller, Ido Siovitz, Jan Dreher, Thomas Gasenzer, Helmut Strobel, Markus K. Oberthaler, 2023, arXiv:2306.16497 [cond-mat.quant-gas] - Universal dynamics and non-thermal fixed points in quantum fluids far from equilibrium
Aleksandr N. Mikheev, Ido Siovitz, Thomas Gasenzer, 2023, Eur. Phys. J. Spec. Top. (232) 3393 - Universal Dynamics of Rogue Waves in a Quenched Spinor Bose Condensate
Ido Siovitz, Stefan Lannig, Yannick Deller, Helmut Strobel, Markus K. Oberthaler, Thomas Gasenzer, 2023, Phys. Rev. Lett. (131) 183402 - Simulating the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless Transition with Complex Langevin
Philipp Heinen, Thomas Gasenzer, 2023, Phys. Rev. A (108) 053311 - Stability analysis of nonthermal fixed points in longitudinally expanding kinetic theory
Aleksandr N. Mikheev and Aleksas Mazeliauskas and Jürgen Berges, 2023, Phys. Rev. D (105) 116025 - Quantum approximate optimization algorithm for qudit systems
Yannick Deller, Sebastian Schmitt, Maciej Lewenstein, Steve Lenk, Marika Federer, Fred Jendrzejewski, Philipp Hauke, and Valentin Kasper, 2023, PHYSICAL REVIEW A (107) 062410 PDF-File - Stochastic dynamics of a few sodium atoms in a cold potassium cloud
Rohit Prasad Bhatt, Jan Kilinc, Lilo Höcker, Fred Jendrzejewski, 2023, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS (12) 2422 PDF-File - 2022
- Monte Carlo sampling of complex actions in extended state spaces
Lukas Kades, Martin Gärttner, Thomas Gasenzer and Jan M. Pawlowski, 2022, Phys. Rev. E (105) 045315 - Anomalous scaling at non-thermal fixed points of the sine-Gordon model
Philipp Heinen, Aleksandr N. Mikheev and Thomas Gasenzer, 2022, Phys. Rev. A (107) 043303 - Non-thermal fixed points of universal sine-Gordon coarsening dynamics
Philipp Heinen, Aleksandr N. Mikheev, Christian-Marcel Schmied and Thomas Gasenzer, 2022 - Complex Langevin approach to interacting Bose gases
Philipp Heinen and Thomas Gasenzer, 2022, Phys. Rev. A (106) 063308 - Quantum field simulator for dynamics in curved spacetime
Celia Viermann, Marius Sparn, Nikolas Liebster, Maurus Hans, Elinor Kath, Álvaro Parra-López, Mireia Tolosa-Simeón, Natalia Sánchez-Kuntz, Tobias Haas, Helmut Strobel, Stefan Floerchinger and Markus K. Oberthaler , 2022, NATURE (611) 260-264 PDF-File - Condensation and thermalization of an easy-plane ferromagnet in a spinor Bose gas
Maximilian Prüfer, Daniel Spitz, Stefan Lannig, Helmut Strobel, Jürgen Berges, Markus K. Oberthaler, 2022, Nature Physics (18) 1459–1463 PDF-File - Curved and expanding spacetime geometries in Bose-Einstein condensates
Mireia Tolosa-Simeón, Álvaro Parra-López, Natalia Sánchez-Kuntz, Tobias Haas, Celia Viermann, Marius Sparn, Nikolas Liebster, Maurus Hans, Elinor Kath, Helmut Strobel, Markus K. Oberthaler and Stefan Floerchinger, 2022, PHYSICAL REVIEW A, (106) 033313 PDF-File - Multi-Tracer Groundwater Dating in Southern Oman Using Bayesian Modeling
Viola Rädle, Arne Kersting, Maximilian Schmidt, Lisa Ringena, Julian Robertz, Werner Aeschbach, Markus Oberthaler, Thomas Müller, 2022, Water Resources Research (58) PDF-File - Detecting Entanglement Structure in Continuous Many-Body Quantum Systems
Philipp Kunkel, Maximilian Prüfer, Stefan Lannig, Robin Strohmaier, Martin Gärttner, Helmut Strobel, and Markus K. Oberthaler, 2022, Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 020402 (128) PDF-File - 2021
- Vortex Motion Quantifies Strong Dissipation in a Holographic Superfluid
Paul Wittmer, Christian-Marcel Schmied, Thomas Gasenzer and Carlo Ewerz, 2021, Phys. Rev. Lett. (127) 101601 - Spurensuche in der Umwelt
Markus Oberthaler und Werner Aeschbach, 2021, Physik Journal, November PDF-File - Finding self-similar behavior in quantum many-body dynamics via persistent homology
Daniel Spitz, Jürgen Berges, Markus Oberthaler, Anna Wienhard, 2021, SciPost Phys. 11, 060 (2021) PDF-File - Direct control of high magnetic fields for cold atom experiments based on NV centers
Alexander Hesse, Kerim Köster, Jakob Steiner, Julia Michl, Vadim Vorobyov, Durga Dasari, Jörg Wrachtrup, Fred Jendrzejewski , 2021, New J. Phys. 23, 023037 PDF-File - Scalable Cold-Atom Quantum Simulator for Two-Dimensional QED
R. Ott, T.V. Zache, F. Jendrzejewski, and J. Berges, 2021, Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 130504, 2021 (127) PDF-File - Analog cosmological reheating in an ultracold Bose gas
Aleksandr Chatrchyan, Kevin T. Geier, Markus K. Oberthaler, Jürgen Berges, and Philipp Hauke, 2021, Phys. Rev. A (104) PDF-File - Universell in der Zeit
Maximilian Prüfer, Helmut Strobel und Markus Oberthaler, 2021, Physik Journal, Februar PDF-File - Pulsed production of antihydrogen
Amsler, Claude Antonello, Massimiliano Belov, Alexander Bonomi, Germano Brusa et al. Group Author(s): AEgIS Collaboration, 2021, Communications Physics (4) - High signal to noise absorption imaging of alkali atoms at moderate magnetic fields
Maurus Hans, Finn Schmutte, Celia Viermann, Nikolas Liebster, Marius Sparn, Markus K. Oberthaler, and Helmut Strobel , 2021, AIP Review of Scientific Instruments 92 PDF-File - 2020
- Collisions of Three-Component Vector Solitons in Bose-Einstein Condensates
Stefan Lannig, Christian-Marcel Schmied, Maximilian Prüfer, Philipp Kunkel, Robin Strohmaier, Helmut Strobel, Thomas Gasenzer, Panayotis G. Kevrekidis, and Markus K. Oberthaler, 2020, Phys. Rev. Lett. (125) PDF-File - From the Jaynes–Cummings model to non-abelian gauge theories: a guided tour for the quantum engineer
Valentin Kasper and Juzeliūnas, Gediminas and Maciej Lewenstein and Fred Jendrzejewski and Erez Zohar, 2020, New Journal of Physics (22) 103027 PDF-File - From classical xenon fringes to hydrogen interferometry
Simon R Müller, Patrick Nedelec and Markus K Oberthaler, 2020, New J. Phys. 22, 073060 PDF-File - Spiking neuromorphic chip learns entangled quantum states
Stefanie Czischek, Andreas Baumbach, Sebastian Billaudelle, Benjamin Cramer, Lukas Kades, Jan M. Pawlowski, Markus K. Oberthaler, Johannes Schemmel, Mihai A. Petrovici, Thomas Gasenzer, Martin Gärttner, 2020, SciPost Phys. (12) 039 PDF-File - Wie Quantensimulatoren neue Antworten geben können
Markus Oberthaler, 2020, Physik Journal, Mai PDF-File - Experimental extraction of the quantum effective action for a non-equilibrium many-body system
Maximilian Prüfer, Torsten V. Zache, Philipp Kunkel, Stefan Lannig, Alexis Bonnin, Helmut Strobel, Jürgen Berges, Markus K. Oberthaler, 2020, Nat. Phys. PDF-File - Direct control of high magnetic fields for cold atom experiments based on NV centers
Alexander Hesse, Kerim Köster, Jakob Steiner, Julia Michl, Vadim Vorobyov, Durga Dasari, Jörg Wrachtrup, Fred Jendrzejewski, 2020 PDF-File - A scalable realization of local U(1) gauge invariance in cold atomic mixtures
Alexander Mil and Torsten V. Zache and Apoorva Hegde and Andy Xia and Rohit P. Bhatt and Markus K. Oberthaler and Philipp Hauke and Jürgen Berges and Fred Jendrzejewski, 2020, Science, Vol. 367, Issue 6482 PDF-File - 2019
- Efficient 2 S-3 positronium production by stimulated decay from the 3 P-3 level
Antonello, M.; Belov, A.; Bonomi, G. et al. Group Author(s): AEgIS Collaboration , 2019 (100) PDF-File - Compression of a mixed antiproton and electron non-neutral plasma to high densities
S. Aghion, C. Amsler, G. Bonomi et al. Group Author(s): AEgIS Collaboration, 2019, EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL D (73) - A similar to 100 mu m-resolution position-sensitive detector for slow positronium
C. Amsler, M. Antonello, A. Belov et al. Group Author(s): AEgIS Collaboration, 2019, NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS (457, 44-48) - Velocity-selected production of 2(3)S metastable positronium
C. Amsler, M. Antonello, A. Belov et al. Group Author(s): AEgIS Collaboration, 2019, Physical Review A (99) PDF-File - Stability analysis of ground states in a one-dimensional trapped spin-1 Bose gas
C. -M. Schmied, T. Gasenzer, M. K. Oberthaler, P. G. Kevrekidis, 2019, CNSNS (83) 105050 PDF-File - Violation of single-length-scaling dynamics via spin vortices in an isolated spin-1 Bose gas
C.-M. Schmied, T. Gasenzer, and P. B. Blakie, 2019, Physical Review A (100) 033603 PDF-File - Simultaneous Readout of Noncommuting Collective Spin Observables beyond the Standard Quantum Limit
Philipp Kunkel, Maximilian Prüfer, Stefan Lannig, Rodrigo Rosa-Medina, Alexis Bonnin, Martin Gärttner, Helmut Strobel, Markus K. Oberthaler, 2019, Physical Review Letters, Volume 123, Issue 6, arXiv:1904.01471 PDF-File - Sampling scheme for neuromorphic simulation of entangled quantum systems
Stefanie Czischek and Jan M. Pawlowski and Thomas Gasenzer and Gärttner, Martin, 2019, arXiv:1907.12844 [quant-ph] PDF-File - Quantized refrigerator for an atomic cloud
Wolfgang Niedenzu and Igor Mazets and Gershon Kurizki and Fred Jendrzejewski, 2019, Quantum, arXiv:1812.08474 (3) 155 PDF-File - Elastic Scattering Time of Matter Waves in Disordered Potentials
Jérémie Richard and Lih King Lim and Vincent Denechaud and Valentin V. Volchkov and Baptiste Lecoutre and Musawwadah Mukhtar and Fred Jendrzejewski and Alain Aspect and Adrien Signoles and Sanchez-Palencia, Laurent and Vincent Josse, 2019, Physical Review Letters, arXiv:1810.07574 (122) 100403 PDF-File - Dating glacier ice of the last millennium by quantum technology
Zhongyi Feng, Pascal Bohleber, Sven Ebser, Lisa Ringena, Maximilian Schmidt, Arne Kersting, Philip Hopkins, Helene Hoffmann, Andrea Fischer, Werner Aeschbach, and Markus K. Oberthaler, 2019, PNAS, Volume: 116 Issue: 18, arXiv:1811.03955 PDF-File - Violation of single-length scaling dynamics via spin vortices in an isolated spin-1 Bose gas
C. -M. Schmied, T. Gasenzer and P. B. Blakie, 2019, Physical Review A, arXiv:1904.13222 [cond-mat.quant-gas] PDF-File - Perspectives of quantum annealing: Methods and implementations
Philipp Hauke, Helmut G. Katzgraber, Wolfgang Lechner, Hidetoshi Nishimori, William D. Oliver, 2019, arXiv:1903.06559 PDF-File - Environment-assisted quantum transport in a 10-qubit network
Christine Maier, Tiff Brydges, Petar Jurcevic, Nils Trautmann, Cornelius Hempel, Ben P. Lanyon, Philipp Hauke, Rainer Blatt, Christian F. Roos, 2019, Phys. Rev. Lett. , arXiv:1809.07680 (122 ) 050501 PDF-File - Dynamical topological transitions in the massive Schwinger model with a θ-term
T. V. Zache, N. Mueller, J. T. Schneider, F. Jendrzejewski, J. Berges, P. Hauke, 2019, Phys. Rev. Lett., arXiv:1808.07885 (122) 050403 PDF-File - 2018
- Bidirectional universal dynamics in a spinor Bose gas close to a nonthermal fixed point
Christian-Marcel Schmied, Maximilian Prüfer, Markus K. Oberthaler and Thomas Gasenzer, 2018, Phys. Rev. A (99) 033611 PDF-File - Ar-39 dating with small samples provides new key constraints on ocean ventilation
Sven Ebser, Arne Kersting, Tim Stöven, Zhongyi Feng, Lisa Ringena, Maximilian Schmidt, Toste Tanhua, Werner Aeschbach & Markus K. Oberthaler, 2018, NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, Volume: 9, arXiv:1807.11146 PDF-File - Universal dynamics in an isolated one-dimensional Bose gas far from equilibrium
Sebastian Erne, Robert Buecker, Thomas Gasenzer, Juergen Berges and Joerg Schmiedmayer, 2018, Nature (563) 225-229 PDF-File - Observation of universal dynamics in a spinor Bose gas far from equilibrium
Maximilian Prüfer, Philipp Kunkel, Helmut Strobel, Stefan Lannig, Daniel Linnemann, Christian-Marcel Schmied, Jürgen Berges, Thomas Gasenzer, Markus K. Oberthaler, 2018, Nature (563) 217-220 PDF-File - Quantum localization bounds Trotter errors in digital quantum simulation
Markus Heyl, Philipp Hauke, Peter Zoller, 2018, Science Advances, arXiv:1806.11123 PDF-File - Development of nuclear emulsions operating in vacuum for the AEgIS experiment
P. Scampoli, S. Aghion, O. Ahlen et al. Group Author(s): AEgIS Collaboration, 2018, JOURNAL OF INSTRUMENTATION, Volume: 9 - AEgIS experiment: Towards antihydrogen beam production for antimatter gravity measurements
S. Mariazzi, S. Aghion, C. Amsler et al. Group Author(s): AEgIS Collaboration, 2018, EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL D , Volume: 68 , Issue: 3 - Investigation of silicon sensors for their use as antiproton annihilation detectors
N. Pacifico, S. Aghion, O. Ahlén et al. Group Author(s): AEgIS Collaboration, 2018, NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION A-ACCELERATORS SPECTROMETERS DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT,V765 (765) - Comparison of Planar and 3D Silicon Pixel Sensors Used for Detection of Low Energy Antiproton
A. Gligorova, Member, IEEE, S. Aghion, et al. Group Author(s): AEgIS Collaboration, 2018, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NUCLEAR SCIENCE - Positron bunching and electrostatic transport system for the production and emission of dense
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S. Aghion, C. Amsler, A. Ariga et al. Group Author(s): AEgIS Collaboration, 2018, NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS, Volume: 362 - Particle tracking at cryogenic temperatures: the Fast Annihilation Cryogenic Tracking (FACT) detector for the AEgIS antimatter gravity experiment
J. Storey, S. Aghion, C. Amsler et al. Group Author(s): AEgIS Collaboration, 2018, JOURNAL OF INSTRUMENTATION, Volume: 10 - Direct detection of antiprotons with the Timepix3 in a new electrostatic selection beamline
N. Pacifico, S. Aghion, J. Alozy et al. Group Author(s): AEgIS Collaboration, 2018, NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION A-ACCELERATORS SPECTROMETERS DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT, V831 - Measurement of antiproton annihilation on Cu, Ag and Au with emulsion films
S. Aghion, C. Amsler, A. Ariga et al. Group Author(s): AEgIS Collaboration, 2018, JOURNAL OF INSTRUMENTATION, Volume: 12, arXiv:1701.06306 PDF-File - Characterization of a transmission positron/positronium converter for antihydrogen production
S. Aghion, C. Amsler, T. Ariga et al. Group Author(s): AEgIS Collaboration, 2018, NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS, Volume: 407 - Advances in PS manipulations and laser studies in the AEgIS Experiment
R. Caravita, S. Aghion, C. Amsler et al. Group Author(s): AEgIS Collaboration, 2018, ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA B, Volume: 48, Issue: 10 - Positronium for Antihydrogen Production in the AEGIS Experiment
G. Consolati, S. Aghion, C. Amsler et al. Group Author(s): AEgIS Collaboration, 2018, ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA A (132) - AEgIS at ELENA: outlook for physics with a pulsed cold antihydrogen beam
M. Doser, S. Aghion, C. Amsler et al. Group Author(s): AEgIS Collaboration, 2018, PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY A-MATHEMATICAL PHYSICAL AND ENGINEERING SCIENCES, Volume: 376, Issue: 2116 - Compression of a mixed antiproton and electron non-neutral plasma to high densities
S. Aghion, C. Amsler, G. Bonomi et al. Group Authors(s): AEgIS Collaboration, 2018, EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL D, Volume: 72 , Issue: 4 - Antiproton tagging and vertex fitting in a Timepix3 detector
S. Aghion, C. Amsler, M. Antonello et al. Group Author(s): AEgIS Collaboration, 2018, Journal of Instrumentation, Volume: 13 - Quantum metrology with nonclassical states of atomic ensembles
Pezze, Luca; Smerzi, Augusto; Oberthaler, Markus K.; et al., 2018, Reviews of Modern Physics, arXiv:1609.01609 (90) PDF-File - Producing long-lived 2(3)S positronium via 3(3)P laser excitation in magnetic and electric fields
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J. Cohn, A. Safavi-Naini, R. J. Lewis-Swan, J. G. Bohnet, M. Gärttner, K. A. Gilmore, J. E. Jordan, A. M. Rey, J. J. Bollinger and J. K. Freericks , 2018, New J. Phys. , arXiv:1902.03354 (20) 16 PDF-File - Spatially distributed multipartite entanglement enables EPR steering of atomic clouds
Philipp Kunkel, Maximilian Prüfer, Helmut Strobel, Daniel Linnemann, Anika Frölian, Thomas Gasenzer, Martin Gärttner, and Markus K. Oberthaler, 2018, Science (360) 413--416 PDF-File - Low-energy effective theory of non-thermal fixed points in a multicomponent Bose gas
Aleksandr N. Mikheev, Christian-Marcel Schmied, and Thomas Gasenzer, 2018, Physical Review A, arXiv:1807.10228 [cond-mat.quant-gas] PDF-File - Prescaling in a far-from-equilibrium Bose gas
Christian-Marcel Schmied, Aleksandr N. Mikheev and Thomas Gasenzer, 2018, Phys. Rev. Lett. (122) 170404 PDF-File - Quenches near criticality of the quantum Ising chain-power and limitations of the discrete truncated Wigner approximation
Stefanie Czischek, Martin Gärttner, Markus Oberthaler, Michael Kastner and Thomas Gasenzer, 2018, Quantum Sci. Technol. (4) 014006 PDF-File - Quenches near Ising quantum criticality as a challenge for artificial neural networks
Stefanie Czischek, Martin Gärttner, and Thomas Gasenzer, 2018, Phys. Rev. B (98) 024311 PDF-File - Kinetic theory of non-thermal fixed points in a Bose gas
Isara Chantesana, Asier Piñeiro Orioli, and Thomas Gasenzer, 2018, Phys. Rev. A (99) 043620 PDF-File - Relating out-of-time-order correlations to entanglement via multiple-quantum coherences
Martin Gärttner, Philipp Hauke, Ana Maria Rey, 2018, Phys. Rev. Lett., arXiv:1706.01616 (120) 040402 PDF-File - Trapped-ion quantum simulation of excitation transport: disordered, noisy, and long-range connected quantum networks
Nils Trautmann, Philipp Hauke, 2018, Phys. Rev. A, arXiv:1710.09408 (97) 023606 PDF-File - Quantum simulation of lattice gauge theories using Wilson fermions
T. V. Zache, F. Hebenstreit, F. Jendrzejewski, M. K. Oberthaler, J. Berges, P. Hauke , 2018, Quantum Sci. Technol., arXiv:1802.06704 (3) 034010 PDF-File - 2017
- Progress toward a large-scale ion Talbot-Lau interferometer
A. Demetrio, S. R. Müller, P. Lansonneur and M. K. Oberthaler, 2017, Physical Review A, Volume: 96, Issue: 6 063604 PDF-File - Revealing Quantum Statistics with a Pair of Distant Atoms
C. F. Roos, A. Alberti, D. Meschede, P. Hauke, and H. Häffner, 2017, Phys. Rev. Lett. , arXiv:1706.04231 (119) PDF-File - Active SU(1,1) atom interferometry
D. Linnemann, J. Schulz, W. Muessel, P. Kunkel, M. Prüfer, A. Frölian, H. Strobel and M.K. Oberthaler, 2017, Quantum Sci. Technol., Volume: 2, Issue: 4, arXiv:1711.04552 044009 PDF-File - Bichromatic force on metastable argon for atom-trap trace analysis
Z. Feng, S. Ebser, L. Ringena, F. Ritterbusch, and M. K. Oberthaler, 2017, Phys. Rev. A 96, 013424, Volume: 96, Issue: 1, arXiv:1707.01658 013424 PDF-File - Probing electric and magnetic fields with a Moiré deflectometer
P. Lansonneur, P. Bräunig, A. Demetrio , S.R. Müller, P. Nedelec, M.K. Oberthaler, 2017, NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS AND METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH A, Volume: 862 49-53 PDF-File - Formation of Bose-Einstein condensates
M. J. Davis, T. M. Wright, T. Gasenzer, S. A. Gardiner and N. P. Proukakis, 2017, in: Universal Themes of Bose-Einstein Condensation. CUP, Cambridge, 2017 - Universal equilibrium scaling functions at short times after a quench
Markus Karl, Halil Cakir, Jad C. Halimeh, Markus K. Oberthaler, Michael Kastner, Thomas Gasenzer, 2017, Phys. Rev. E (96) 022110 PDF-File - Experimental observation of the Poincaré-Birkhoff scenario in a driven many-body quantum system
J. Tomkovič, W. Muessel, H. Strobel, S. Löck, P. Schlagheck, R. Ketzmerick, M. K. Oberthaler, 2017, Phys. Rev. A, Volume: 95, Issue: 1 011602 PDF-File - Implementing quantum electrodynamics with ultracold atomic systems
V. Kasper, F. Hebenstreit, F. Jendrzejewski, M. K. Oberthaler, J. Berges, 2017, New Journal of Physics, arXiv:1608.03480 (19) 023030 PDF-File - 2016
- Aus dem Gleichgewicht - Stillstand und Dynamik
Thomas Gasenzer, 2016, Ruperto Carola (9) 18 - Prethermalization and universal dynamics in near-integrable quantum systems
Tim Langen, Thomas Gasenzer and Jörg Schmiedmayer, 2016, J. Stat. Mech. (1606) 064009 PDF-File - Strongly anomalous non-thermal fixed point in a quenched two-dimensional Bose gas
M. Karl and T. Gasenzer, 2016, New J. Phys., arXiv:1611.01163 (19) 093014 PDF-File - Subwavelength-width optical tunnel junctions for ultracold atoms
F. Jendrzejewski, S. Eckel, T. G. Tiecke, G. Juzeliūnas, G. K. Campbell, L. Jiang, A. V. Gorshkov, 2016, Physical Review A, arXiv:1609.01285 (94) 063422 PDF-File - Observation of the Phononic Lamb Shift with a Synthetic Vacuum
T. Rentrop, A. Trautmann, F. A. Olivares, F. Jendrzejewski, A. Komnik, M. K. Oberthaler , 2016, Physical Review X, arXiv:1605.01874 (6) 041041 PDF-File - Schwinger pair production with ultracold atoms
V.Kasper, F.Hebenstreit, M.K.Oberthaler and J.Berges, 2016, Physics Letters B, arXiv:1506.01238 (760) 742-746 PDF-File - Laser excitation of the n=3 level of positronium for antihydrogen production
AEGIS Collaboration, 2016, Physical Review A, Volume: 94, Issue: 1, arXiv:0804.0371 012507 PDF-File - Quantum-Enhanced Sensing Based on Time Reversal of Nonlinear Dynamics
D. Linnemann, H. Strobel, W. Muessel, J. Schulz, R. J. Lewis-Swan, K. V. Kheruntsyan and M. K. Oberthaler, 2016, Physical Review Letters, Volume: 117, Issue: 1, arXiv:1602.07505 013001 PDF-File - 2015
- Nonlinear dressed states at the miscibility-immiscibility threshold
E. Nicklas, W. Muessel, H. Strobel, P.G. Kevrekidis and M. K. Oberthaler, 2015, Physical Review A, Volume: 92, Issue: 5, arXiv:1407.8049 056314 PDF-File - Observation of Scaling in the Dynamics of a Strongly Quenched Quantum Gas
E. Nicklas, M. Karl, M. Höfer, A. Johnson, W. Muessel, H. Strobel, J. Tomkovič, T. Gasenzer and M. K. Oberthaler, 2015, Phys. Rev. Lett. (115) 245301 PDF-File - Twist-and-turn spin squeezing in Bose-Einstein condensates
W. Muessel, H. Strobel, D. Linnemann, T. Zibold, B. Juliá-Díaz and M. K. Oberthaler, 2015, PHYSICAL REVIEW A, Volume: 92, Issue: 2, arXiv:1507.02930 023603 PDF-File - Double-well atom trap for fluorescence detection at the Heisenberg limit
Ion Stroescu, David B. Hume and Markus K. Oberthaler, 2015, PHYSICAL REVIEW A, Volume: 91, Issue: 1, arXiv:1411.5812 013412 PDF-File - 2014
- Groundwater dating with Atom Trap Trace Analysis of 39Ar
F. Ritterbusch, S. Ebser, J. Welte, T. Reichel, A. Kersting, R. Purtschert, W. Aeschbach-Hertig and M. K. Oberthaler, 2014, GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, Volume: 41, Issue: 19 6758-6764 PDF-File - Scalable Spin Squeezing for Quantum-Enhanced Magnetometry with Bose-Einstein Condensates
W. Muessel, H. Strobel, D. Linnemann, D. B. Hume, and M. K. Oberthaler, 2014, Physical Review Letters, Volume: 113, Issue: 10, arXiv:1405.6022 5 PDF-File - Fisher information and entanglement of non-Gaussian spin states
Helmut Strobel, Wolfgang Muessel, Daniel Linnemann, Tilman Zibold, David B. Hume, Luca Pezzè, Augusto Smerzi, Markus K. Oberthaler, 2014, SCIENCE, Volume: 345, Issue: 6195, arXiv:1507.03782 424-427 PDF-File - A moiré deflectometer for antimatter
S. Aghion, O. Ahlén, C. Amsler J. Storey and C. Canali and S. Aghion et al. Group Authors(s): AEgIS Collaboration, 2014, Nature Communications (5) 4538 PDF-File - Dissipative preparation of phase- and number-squeezed states with ultracold atoms
Roland Cristopher F. Caballar, Sebastian Diehl, Harri Makela, Markus Oberthaler and Gentaro Watanabe, 2014, PHYSICAL REVIEW A, arXiv:1309.6436 (89) 013620 PDF-File - 2013
- Development of nuclear emulsions with 1 μm spatial resolution for the \AEgIS\ experiment
AEGIS Collaboration, 2013, "Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment " ("732") "325 - 329" - Particle tracking at 4 K: The Fast Annihilation Cryogenic Tracking (FACT) detector for the \AEgIS\ antimatter gravity experiment
J. Storey and C. Canali and S. Aghion et al. Group Authors(s): AEgIS Collaboration , 2013, "Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment " ("732") "437 - 441" - AEgIS experiment commissioning at CERN
D. Krasnický and S. Aghion and C. Amsler et al. Group Authors(s): AEgIS Collaboration , 2013, AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 1521 144-153 - Prospects for measuring the gravitational free-fall of antihydrogen with emulsion detectors
AEGIS Collaboration, 2013, Journal of Instrumentation,Volume 8, arXiv:1306.5602 P08013 PDF-File - Accurate Atom Counting in Mesoscopic Ensembles
D. Hume, I. Stroescu, M. Joos, W. Müssel, H. Strobel and M. K. Oberthaler, 2013, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, Volume: 111, Issue: 25, arXiv:1307.7598 253001 PDF-File - Motional Coherence of Fermions Immersed in a Bose Gas
R. Scelle, T. Rentrop, A. Trautmann, T. Schuster and M.K. Oberthaler, 2013, Physical Review Letters, arXiv:1306.3308 (111) 070401 PDF-File - Optimized absorption imaging of mesoscopic atomic clouds
W. Müssel, H. Strobel, M. Joos, E. Nicklas, I. Stroescu, J. Tomkovic, D. HUme and M. K. Oberthaler, 2013, Applied Physics B-Laseres and Optics, Volume: 113, Issue: 1 - Measuring and engineering entropy and spin squeezing in weakly linked Bose-Einstein condensates
F. Cattani, C. Gross, M.K. Oberthaler, J. Ruostekoski, 2013, NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS, Volume 15, arXiv:1302.3040 8 PDF-File - 2012
- Exploring the WEP with a pulsed cold beam of antihydrogen
AEGIS Collaboration, 2012, Classical and Quantum Gravity, Volume: 29, Issue: 18 184009 - Dynamic generation of spin-squeezed states in bosonic Josephson junctions
B. Juliá-Díaz, T. Zibold, M. K. Oberthaler, M. Melé-Messeguer, J. Martorell and A. Polls, 2012, Phys. Rev. Lett. A, Volume: 86, Issue: 2, arXiv:1205.6756 023615 PDF-File - Feshbach spectroscopy and scattering properties of ultracold Li+Na mixtures
T. Schuster, R. Scelle, A. Trautmann, S. Knoop, M. K. Oberthaler, M. M. Haverhals, M. R. Goosen, S. J. J. M. F. Kokkelmans and E. Tiemann , 2012, PHYSICAL REVIEW A, arXiv:1202.1199 (85) 042721 PDF-File - 2011
- Antihydrogen physics: gravitation and spectroscopy in AEgIS
AEGIS Collaboration, 2011, Canadian Journal of Physics, Volume: 89, Issue: 1 17-24 - Atomic homodyne detection of continuous variable entangled twin-atom states
C. Gross, H. Strobel, E. Nicklas, T. Zibold, N. Bar-Gill, G. Kurizki and M. K. Oberthaler, 2011, NATURE, Volume: 480, Issue: 7376, arXiv:1112.4594 219-223 PDF-File - Rabi Flopping Induces Spatial Demixing Dynamics
E. Nicklas, H. Strobel, T. Zibold, C. Gross, B. A. Malomed, P. G. Kevrekidis and M. K. Oberthaler , 2011, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, Volume: 107, Issue: 19, arXiv:1109.5601 193001 PDF-File - Local and spatially extended sub-Poisson atom-number fluctuations in optical lattices
C. Gross, J. Estève, M.K. Oberthaler, A.D. Martin and J. Ruostekoski, 2011, PHYSICAL REVIEW A, Volume: 84, Issue: 1, arXiv:1008.4603 011609 PDF-File - Feshbach spectroscopy and analysis of the interaction potentials of ultracold sodium
S. Knoop, T. Schuster, R. Scelle, A. Trautmann, J. Appmeier, and M. K. Oberthaler, E. Tiesinga, E. Tiemann† , 2011, Phys. Rev. A, arXiv:1102.0572 (83, issue 4) 10 PDF-File - Two-Well Bose-Einstein Condensates and Strategies for
Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Entanglement
Q. Y. He, M. D. Reid, T. G. Vaughan, C. Gross, M. Oberthaler, and P. D. Drummond , 2011, Phys. Rev. Lett., Volume: 106, Issue: 12, arXiv:1010.4121 4 PDF-File - Single spontaneous photon as a coherent beamsplitter for an atomic matter-wave
Jiří Tomkovič, Michael Schreiber, Joachim Welte, Martin Kiffner, Jörg Schmiedmayer & Markus K. Oberthaler, 2011, Nature Physics, Volume: 7, Issue: 5 PDF-File - Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Correlations of Ultracold Atomic Gases
Nir Bar-Gill, Christian Gross, Igor Mazets, Markus Oberthaler, and Gershon Kurizki, 2011, Phys. Rev. Lett., Volume: 106, Issue: 12, arXiv:1009.2655 4 PDF-File - 2010
- Classical Bifurcation at the Transition from Rabi to Josephson Dynamics
Tilman Zibold, Eike Nicklas, Christian Gross, and Markus K. Oberthaler , 2010, Phys. Rev. Lett., Volume: 105, Issue: 20, arXiv:1008.3057 4 PDF-File - Atominterferometrie mit verschränkten Teilchen
Oliver Morsch, 2010, Spektrum der Wissenschaft (07/10) - Towards the realization of atom trap trace analysis for 39Ar
J. Welte, F. Ritterbusch, I. Steinke, M. Henrich, W. Aeschbach-Hertig and M. K. Oberthaler, 2010, New Journal of Physics, Volume: 12 15 - Multiple atomic dark solitons in cigar-shaped Bose-Einstein condensates
G. Theocharis, A. Weller, J. P. Ronzheimer, C. Gross, M. K. Oberthaler, P. G. Kevrekidis, and D. J. Frantzeskakis, 2010, Phys. Rev. A, Volume: 81, Issue: 6, arXiv:0909.2122 15 PDF-File - Two-mode Bose gas: Beyond classical squeezing
C. Bodet, J. Estève, M. K. Oberthaler, and T. Gasenzer, 2010, Phys. Rev. A (81) 063605 PDF-File - Nonlinear atom interferometer surpasses classical precision limit
C. Gross, T. Zibold, E. Nicklas, J. Estève, M. K. Oberthaler, 2010, Nature, Volume: 464, Issue: 7292, arXiv:1009.2374 PDF-File - Ultrakalte Quantenpendel
Christian Groß, Markus Oberthaler, 2010, Physik Journal, Februar PDF-File - 2009
- Hyperfine spectroscopy of the 1s5−2p9 transition of 39Ar
J. Welte, I. Steinke, M. Henrich, F. Ritterbusch, M. K. Oberthaler, W. Aeschbach-Hertig, W. H. Schwarz and M. Trieloff, 2009, Review of Scientific Instruments, Volume 80 11 - Dynamic control and probing of many-body decoherence in double-well Bose-Einstein condensates
Bar-Gill, Nir and Gershon Kurizki and Markus Oberthaler and Nir Davidson, 2009, Phys. Rev. A, Volume: 80, Issue: 5 053613 - Feynman path-integral treatment of the BEC-impurity polaron
J. Tempere and W. Casteels and M. K. Oberthaler and S. Knoop and E. Timmermans and J. T. Devreese, 2009, Phys. Rev. B,arXiv:0906.4455 (80) 184504 PDF-File - 2008
- Experimental Observation of Oscillating and Interacting Matter Wave Dark Solitons
A. Weller, J.P. Ronzheimer, C. Gross, J. Estève, M.K. Oberthaler, D.J. Frantzeskakis, G. Theocharis and P.G. Kevrekidis, 2008, Physical Review Letters, arXiv:0803.4352 (101) 130401 PDF-File - Creation of macroscopic quantum superposition states by a measurement
I.E. Mazets, G. Kurizki, M. K. Oberthaler and J. Schmiedmayer , 2008, EPL, arXiv:0710.3578 (83) 60004 PDF-File - Spontaneous symmetry breaking of gap solitons and phase transitions in double-well traps
M. Trippenbach, E. Infeld, J. Gocalek, M. Matuszewski, M. Oberthaler and B.A. Malomed , 2008, Physical Review A (78) 013603 PDF-File - Single-Particle Tunneling in Strongly Driven Double-Well Potentials
E. Kierig, U. Schnorrberger, A. Schietinger, J. Tomkovic and M.K. Oberthaler, 2008, Physical Review Letters , arXiv:0803.1406 (100) 190405 PDF-File - Effective parameters for weakly coupled Bose-Einstein condensates
S. Giovanazzi, J. Esteve and M.K. Oberthaler, 2008, New Journal of Physics (10) 045009 PDF-File - Squeezing and entanglement in a Bose-Einstein condensate
J. Estève, C. Gross, A. Weller, S. Giovanazzi, M. K. Oberthaler, 2008 PDF-File - 2007
- Nonlinear Localization of BECs in Optical Lattices
E.A. Ostrovskaya, M.K. Oberthaler and Y.S. Kivshar, 2007 PDF-File - Dark matter-wave solitons in the dimensionality crossover
G. Theocharis, P.G. Kevrekidis, M.K. Oberthaler and D.J. Frantzeskakis, 2007, Physical Review A, arXiv:0710.1179 (76) 045601 PDF-File - A bosonic Josephson junction
R. Gati and M.K. Oberthaler, 2007, Journal of Physics B-Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics (40) R61 PDF-File - 2006
- Solitonen im Bose-Einstein-Kondensat
B. Eiermann and M.K. Oberthaler, 2006, Physik in unserer Zeit (37) 184 PDF-File - A primary noise thermometer for ultracold bose gases
R. Gati, J. Esteve, B. Hemmerling, T.B. Ottenstein, J. Appmeier, A. Weller and M.K. Oberthaler, 2006, New Journal of Physics, arXiv:cond-mat/0606281 (8) 189 PDF-File - Noise Thermometry with Two Weakly Coupled Bose-Einstein Condensates
R. Gati, B. Hemmerling, J. Fölling, M. Albiez and M.K. Oberthaler, 2006, Physical Review Letters, arXiv:cond-mat/0601392 (96) 130404 PDF-File - Realization of a single Josephson junction for Bose-Einstein condensates
R. Gati, M. Albiez, J. Fölling, B. Hemmerling and M.K. Oberthaler, 2006, applied Physics B-Lasers and Optics, arXiv:cond-mat/0604348 (83) 207 PDF-File - Dynamics of Bose-Einstein condensates in optical lattices
Oilver Morsch, Markus K. Oberthaler, 2006 PDF-File - 2005
- Observation of Nonspreading Wave Packets in an Imaginary Potential
R. Stützle, M. Göbel, Th. Hörner, E. Kierig, I. Mourachko, M.K. Oberthaler, M.A. Efremov, M.V. Fedorov, V.P. Yakovlev, K.A.H. van Leeuwen and W.P. Schleich , 2005, Physical Review Letters, arXiv:quant-ph/0412138 (95) 110405 PDF-File - Lagrangian approach to the dynamics of dark matter-wave solitons
G. Theocharis, P. Schmelcher, M.K. Oberthaler, P.G. Kevrekidis and D.J. Frantzeskakis , 2005, Physical Review A (72) 023609 PDF-File - Direct Observation of Tunneling and Nonlinear Self-Trapping in a single Bosonic Weak Link
M. Albiez, R. Gati, J. Fölling, S. Hunsmann, M. Cristiani and M.K. Oberthaler, 2005, Physical Review Letters (95) 010402 PDF-File - Nonlinear Self-Trapping of Matter Waves in Periodic Potentials
Th. Anker, M. Albiez, R. Gati, S. Hunsmann, B. Eiermann, A. Trombettoni and M.K. Oberthaler, 2005, Physical Review Letters, arXiv:cond-mat/0410176 (94) 020403 PDF-File - Direct observation of tunneling and nonlinear self-trapping in a single bosonic Josephson junction
M. Albiez, R. Gati, J. Fölling, S. Hunsmann, M. Cristiani and M.K. Oberthaler, 2005, Phy. Rev. Lett., arXiv:cond-mat/0411757 PDF-File - Observation of non-spreading wave packets in an imaginary potential
R. Stützle, M.C. Göbel, Th. Hörner, E. Kierig, I. Mourachko, M.K. Oberthaler, M.A. Efremov, M.V. Fedorov, V.P. Yakovlev, K.A.H. van Leeuwen, and W.P. Schleich, 2005 PDF-File - 2004
- Quantum Features in Atomic Nanofabrication using Exactly Resonant Standing Waves
D. Jürgens, A. Greiner, R. Stützle, A. Habenicht, E. te Sligte and M.K. Oberthaler, 2004, Physical Review Letters (93) 237402 PDF-File - Bright Bose-Einstein Gap Solitons of Atoms with Repulsive Interaction
B. Eiermann, Th. Anker, M. Albiez, M. Taglieber, P. Treutlein, K-P. Marzlin and M.K. Oberthaler, 2004, Physical Review Letters (92) 230401 PDF-File - Linear and nonlinear dynamics of matter wave packets in periodic potentials
Th. Anker, M. Albiez, B. Eiermann, M. Taglieber, and M. K. Oberthaler, 2004, arXiv:cond-mat/0401165 PDF-File - Nonlinear Self-Trapping of Matter Waves in Periodic Potentials
Th. Anker, M. Albiez, R. Gati, S. Hunsmann, B., 2004, Phy. Rev. Lett., arXiv:cond-mat/0410176 PDF-File - 2003
- Dissipative light masks for atomic nanofabrication
R. Stützle, D. Jürgens, A. Habenicht, and M.K. Oberthaler, 2003 - 2002
- Stability of gap solitons in a Bose-Einstein condensate
K. M. Hilligsoe, M.K. Oberthaler, K.-P. Marzlin, 2002 PDF-File - 2001
- Quantum enhancement of momentum diffusion in the Delta-Kicked Rotor
M.B. d"Arcy, R.M. Godun, M.K. Oberthaler, D. Cassettari, and G.S. Summy, 2001 - Three dimensional nanolithography with light forces
T. Müther, Th. Schulze, D. Jürgens, M.K. Oberthaler, and J. Mlynek, 2001 - Structured doping with light forces
Th. Schulze, T. Müther, D. Jürgens, B. Brezger, M.K. Oberthaler, T. Pfau, and J. Mlynek, 2001 - 1997
- Classical and Quantum Atom Fringes
H. Batelaan, S. Bernet, M.K. Oberthaler, E. Rasel, J. Schmiedmayer and A. Zeilinger , 1997, ATOM INTERFEROMETRY - 1996
- Coherent frequency shift of atomic matter waves
S. Bernet, M.K. Oberthaler, R. Abfalterer, J. Schmiedmayer and A. Zeilinger, 1996, Physical Review Letters (77) 5160 - Atom waves in crystals of light
M.K. Oberthaler, R. Abfalterer, S. Bernet, J. Schmiedmayer and A. Zeilinger, 1996, Physical Review Letters (77) 4980 - Inertial sensing with classical atomic beams
M.K. Oberthaler, S. Bernet, E.M. Rasel, J. Schmiedmayer and A. Zeilinger , 1996, Physical Review A (54) 3165 PDF-File - Modulation of atomic de Broglie waves using Bragg diffraction
S. Bernet, M. Oberthaler, R. Abfalterer, J. Schmiedmayer and A. Zeilinger , 1996, Quantum and semiclassical Optics (8) 497 - 1995
- Atom wave interferometery with diffraction gratings of light
E.M. Rasel, M.K. Oberthaler, H. Batelaan, J. Schmiedmayer and A. Zeilinger , 1995, Physical Review Letters (75) 2633 PDF-File